“Zelda’s Lullaby” Piano Cover

Every once and a while it feels nice to take off your green hero cap and lay down for a hero nap. But what if too much is on your mind and rest will not come? What if your latest fight with Volvagia keeps running through your head, her fire burned into your retinas, not allowing you to sleep? Thankfully, Hyrule has a wonderful song that will clear that right up and have you snoozing in minutes! Arranged by YouTube user Ragface08, this piano rendition of “Zelda’s Lullaby” will literally be music to your ears. Jump in and check it out!

I think the piano/string setting that is being used fits the song perfectly. I could definitely fall asleep to this on repeat. Ragface08 has other Zelda piano covers posted on her channel, including “Oath to Order/Giant’s Theme”, “Song of Healing”, and “Queen Rutela”, most with the same piano/string setting and style. It seems that this pianist has only just started getting into the Zelda piano cover scene, but from what she has displayed, I am definitely looking forward to hearing more and more of her work. You can also like her Facebook page, Zelda Music, for updates on future covers and the like.

What do you guys think of this cover? Does it top other arrangements of “Zelda’s Lullaby” you have heard before? On a psychiatric note, how does the song make you feel? Comment and let us know!

Source: YouTube

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