I am glad to get back to our weekly Fan of the Week feature. For those unaware, we take one fan (or a group of them) each week and feature some various things. This could be comics, art, music, or even cosplay… so long as it pertains to The Legend of Zelda. I was going to feature a lot of cosplay from Comic-Con, but we’ll hold off on that for sometime in August. Instead I wanted to feature Matthew Taranto, better known as the guy who creates Brawl in the Family.

Brawl in the Family is a fan made comic that has been running since 2008, but will sadly come to an end later this year. Matthew wishes to pursue other avenues of his life, though he still will be creating the comic for Nintendo Force Magazine. Yeah, he’s also the guy who does that too. While we are sad to see this long running fan comic come to an end later this year, I figured now is as good of a time as any to feature many of his amazing works. Naturally since we are Zelda Informer, we’ll focus on his Zelda strips. We have all of them below for your viewing pleasure. Remember there are literally hundreds more comics than what we have below at the Brawl in the Family website.

Beyond that, some of the strips are full on musical affairs. We’ve featured some of these before, with my personal favorite being the Ode to Minions. You can check out more great musicals like that on his YouTube Channel. Time to sub to Nintendo Force Magazine so I can still enjoy your brilliance, Matthew. Thanks for all you’ve done!

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