As we all know, the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was delayed earlier this year and is expected to launch in Spring 2023, some six years after the launch of the original, making it the longest time between new core entries in the series ever. While some, including your writer, have been critical of the rollout and execution of the open world sequel from Nintendo, the fact remains that, while even though right now the game seems to be ice cold, Nintendo can easily heat it back up with a great trailer, an extended look at the gameplay, a subtitle reveal, and a general influx of information about the mysterious sequel. Although E3 this year has been canceled, the Zelda Dungeon staff are still anticipating an E3-level Nintendo Direct this June, where the lid will (hopefully, mercifully) finally be blown off and we can see what Nintendo has been cooking up for these last six years plus.

We asked the writing staff at Zelda Dungeon what specifically would Breath of the Wild 2 have to do in order for the game to justify the long wait. We asked them to dig a little deeper beyond the obvious “the game needs to be awesome” and other things that we’re going to take for granted. We asked for specifics, and while some writers shared some common themes, some writers gave answers might surprise you! Without further ado, here is what would make the sequel to Breath of the Wild 2 worth the excruciating wait.


Judy Calder

For me, the one thing that would make Breath of the Wild 2 worth the wait is an injection of the magic that made me fall in love with the series in the first place. By that, I mean something that does take time to build upon, especially if it’s going to make sense when laid upon a foundation that’s already in place, and then be told through a story that unfolds in an open world through exciting gameplay. If you haven’t guessed it by now, I’m talking about Zelda lore.  

I want Nintendo to focus on bringing the fantasy forward, and to make Hyrule a place of destiny again, as opposed to just a stunning backdrop for lazy story-telling.  I want to be captivated by the importance of the Sages and their role in Hyrule’s fate.  I want to experience the ancient magic of the Golden Goddesses and use it to my advantage in my adventure.  And I need to see the influence of the Triforce — a staple in most Zelda games.  Give me something for the historia, an event that unfolds as we play in such an intricate way that it will ripple through the eras. It’s got to be something so fantastical, so effective, and so lore-heavy that it’s akin to the importance of Princess Zelda making a decision that splits the timeline in Ocarina of Time. Then I’ll be satisfied with the years spent making this game! 


Jill Rosado

I want familiarity! I want to go through dungeons again and discover classic items like the map, the compass, and the boss key. I feel like retrieving these items sets the overall theme of dungeon crawling, which made me become a Zelda fan from the beginning. There’s excitement and wonder as you progress through various puzzles in previous Zelda dungeons!  While I enjoyed Breath of the Wild, I feel it severely lacked these characteristics that make a Zelda game whole. Personally, I don’t consider the Divine Beasts as dungeons; more like machines that need some serious tune-up! Yes, there were some puzzles in solving the mechanics, but it didn’t evoke the same emotions I have when I’m exploring other dungeons. I want those familiar elements from previous Zelda games to make a return in Breath of the Wild 2–then I will feel that this is worth the wait.


Alex Weber

One of the many things that would make Breath of the Wild 2 worth it for me would be clearly defining the relationship between Link and Zelda. There are a lot of factors in Breath of the Wild that made their connection ambiguous, such as Link’s amnesia and game details teasing love on both sides. Ambiguity is fine for a video game ending, but now that there is a sequel I would like confirmation as to whether that love and care is romantic, platonic, or professional. 

If I were to choose myself, I would like it to be romantic. I think such a heartwarming connection would make the story fulfilling, especially since I feel there is a fair bit of momentum from Breath of the Wild. But I digress, as Nintendo is the one in charge. As long as they don’t leave it ambiguous and thus pay attention to character development and interactions, I will be happy, even if it’s just a professional relationship.


Charles Xavier

I want a better story from the sequel to Breath of the Wild. There is a lot in Breath of the Wild that is extremely lacking in this regard, and I feel like the only way the wait for the sequel could be worth it for me is if they have crafted a better story, preferably not just for this game, but also to hopefully fix issues with the original too. Getting more specific: I want to know things like what happened to the Triforce? It looked like Zelda had it within her but it was too weak to defeat Calamity Ganon supposedly. This is the Triforce we are talking about though – how is that even possible? She also says the power was depleted too at the end of Breath of the Wild, which also seems unlikely.

Give us more information on what Malice is too, right now all we know about it comes from short info from Hyrule Compendium logs, and from Creating a Champion. It’s all not fleshed out really and relies a lot on speculation. Is it related to Demise’s Curse? Is Malice just unique to Ganon? Is Malice what has always motivated Ganondorf’s actions? I don’t feel like the Champions were written well either, if there is any opportunity to give them more characterization beyond pretty bland traits, this could be it. Even if none of this happens, give us at least a better story in context of the sequel in some way, and that would make me happy. I have no doubt the gameplay will be fantastic, now bring the storytelling up a notch and I’d be very satisfied.


Chakell Herbert

I just want an epic story that focuses on the character development of Link and Zelda. I need emotions and pizazz and cutscenes and way more storytelling. Skyward Sword-level goodness that takes place in the present, not the past! That was my one hang up about the first game! I would also love to see some darker elements, especially enemy wise! As much as they freak me out, Wallmasters, Gibdos, and ReDeads have always been my favorite enemies to tackle because they actually seem threatening and scary, and I would love to see them return in the Breath of the Wild artstyle. I think there is a good chance we are in for some darkness though considering undead Ganondorf (whom I lovingly call Ganoncorpse) has entered the chat. Also if they include the classic Zelda charm of themed dungeons, some of our favorite iconic items, good music, and the age-old battle for the Triforce between our three favorite characters and combine that all with the gigantic open world feel, I feel like this game could absolutely obliterate all my expectations in the best way. 


Sean Gadus

Overall, my dream for Breath of the Wild 2 is a game that places a meaningful focus on the relationship between Link and Zelda. This would mean keeping Zelda and Link together for much of the narrative (or even allowing you to play as both characters). The flashback-based story of Breath of the Wild was one of the most disappointing elements of the game because Zelda was sidelined for much of the game. For the sequel, Link and Zelda need to be together for the majority of the story so that their relationship can be a meaningful part of the narrative. I want Nintendo to include a variety of cutscenes throughout the story where we can see the two characters interact and watch their relationship evolve. Whether the pair grow closer together in the narrative, or come into conflict throughout the story, I need something more from the Zelda series than our princess being in another castle. Zelda cannot take a backseat in her own game anymore.


Vincent Tanaro

The main thing I want in the sequel to Breath of the Wild would be a darker tone. Lots of Zelda games, specifically sequels, have had a tone shift where the game begins to get darker and somber. From what we’ve seen so far and according to Eiji Aonuma, it seems that they already are doing that. I would also like a little bit more enemy variety. Maybe they can bring back Dark Nuts somehow or Peahats even. Of course, actual dungeons would be nice, and while I am a fan of Breath of the Wild’s soundtrack, I did miss those “larger than life” songs that the old entries had. I guess in summary, I just want a great blend of all the games. A great emotional story with a variety of many things to encounter and explore, with a blend of calming, yet memorable musical moments. A Zelda game to rule them all.


Kat Vadam

I have had this hope since the first trailer’s release that maybe, just maybe, we might finally get a game that allows us to explore the world from Zelda’s perspective. Of course, there are games like Hyrule Warriors and Spirit Tracks where time is spent “playing” her, but the story isn’t really from her perspective. I want to experience Hyrule, experience life, through the eyes of the princess.

Of course, I know the game will revolve around Link, and my hope waned a little with the release of the second trailer, but I’m not willing to let it go completely. Even if it is only part of the game, I would love to see a truly new perspective, and all the opportunities that come with it: different mechanics, different ways of interacting with people, different weapons and armor. And who better to give us this new experience than the series’ titular character? Just…let me be Zelda!


Kora Burton

I hope after all this time, Nintendo has baked into Breath of the Wild’s sequel some interesting questions for us to organically find the answers to once we finally get our hands on it. Ever since the “first look” trailer for Breath of the Wild 2 surprised us at E3 2019, I’ve been turning the opening shots over and over in my head: the green, squiggly, almost script-like magic swirling like a tornado around the discovery of the skeletal figure we assume to be a reanimated Ganondorf coming back to life captivates my sense of anticipation. There’s so much mystery here – is the magic related to an ancient language, speaking imagination into reality? How does it interact with Link to give him his new powers and his seemingly decaying arm (and Master Sword?) which we have seen in more recent updates? This potential feeling of discovery – reminiscent of those first steps out of the cave overlooking The Great Plateau in the opening panoramic shot of Breath of the Wild – is what would make the wait for the sequel worth it for me.

I want Breath of the Wild 2 to follow through on what they’ve teased by legitimately posing these sorts of questions and offering compelling solutions within the story, collectables, sidequests, etc. I want to encounter language scripts and have to find books to decode them à la A Link to the Past’s Book of Mudora. I want to be a little adventuring historian, piecing together the backstory of a resurrected Ganondorf while grappling with the dark magic’s grip on Link. Returning back to the opening panoramic shot of Breath of the Wild for a moment, I’ve always thought it asked a really good question: What’s out there? Thus, every discovery, from finding Koroks under every suspect rock, to seeing out how far I could hang glide off Hebra peak, to experiencing each flashback for the first time as I pieced Link’s memory back together, was a partial answer to this bigger philosophical question. If I could just answer such questions in Breath of the Wild 2 through the eyes of Zelda herself – now that would just be the delicious (but oh so forbidden) icing on the cake.


Brandon Schmitz

There are myriad factors that set each Zelda entry apart from one another, but its setting is definitely among the most important. Although most of these games take place in Hyrule, the developers continually find imaginative ways to re-interpret the legendary kingdom. When Producer Eiji Aonuma mentioned that we’d be revisiting the same Hyrule as its predecessor with “new gameplay and new story,” I’m not going to lie – I was a bit disappointed. Admittedly, after that first trailer, I was kind of hoping that floating castle would whisk Link and Zelda off to another world. Upon hearing his comment, I assumed there would be additions and changes to the map, but would they be substantial enough to make the world feel brand new again? With each passing year, I become more convinced that this game is more ambitious than what I initially thought – the sky-based area from the E3 2021 trailer certainly seems to suggest as much. It looks big, but how much time will we truly spend up there? In what other ways will the team remix Breath of the Wild’s world? I can’t wait to find out!


Alexis Anderson

One thing that would make Breath of the Wild 2 worth it for me would be to see a Hyrule on the rise— new villages popping up, people keeping guardians like housepets, the re-emergence of the royals and their knights. I want to see bizarre little subcultures (like the Yiga, but maybe not as extreme) dotting the overworld and making uniquely designed weaponry, clothing, and items. I want the world to feel more lived in and less isolating. That would greatly incentivize me to retread a lot of the ground I already explored in the first game, and hopefully lead to memorable moments, characters, and even music!


Mike Midwood

My biggest hope for the sequel to Breath of the Wild is that it doesn’t live in the shadow of its predecessor. While Breath of the Wild made many changes to the established Zelda formula, this successor should be willing to deviate as well. Don’t revert to the classic style, but also don’t let Breath of the Wild’s success result in complacency. Be willing to make a weird, Majora’s Mask type follow up that risks putting some people off with new and innovative ideas. I don’t want this game to be called Breath of the Wild 2 because that’s a lame title, but I don’t want it to be Breath of the Wild 2 in spirit either. Ultimately, my hope is another game-changing innovation from the source material. 


Andrew Millard

I’m going to admit to being basic: I never got over breakable weapons. Even writing that sentence I feel like I’m crossing a taboo. Like, the Zelda fandom has tacitly agreed to pretend like breakable weapons make sense. It’s like pointing out to Star Wars fans how silly it is that Luke Skywalker was “hidden” from Darth Vader by sending him to Anakin’s birthplace without even changing his name. But the truth is, the sequel to Breath of The Wild would need to do away with weapon degradation to win me over.

As a bonus, eliminating weapon breakage would naturally solve another issue I had, which was how much menu juggling that game asked of the player. I think menu navigating was as elegant as could be asked of the game. But not being forced into a menu multiple times in the heat of battle – often to just pull out a new copy of the same weapon – would be automatically better.


Michaela El-Ters

For Breath of the Wild 2, I would love to see additional races like the Minish, Anouki, or even Twili (how would that work? I don’t know, but I can dream!) introduced with a distinct Breath of the Wild spin that emphasizes the culture and way of life. Concept art for Breath of the Wild showed a Minish village that was ultimately scrapped, but I could see it making an appearance in the sequel. And what if there are subraces of each that reside in the expansive Sky area that have different histories and perspectives? 

By introducing new races, it offers opportunities for additional worldbuilding and new lore through the towns, culture, and characters. Zelda games have always had excellent integration of worldbuilding through the diversified and unique races that populate Hyrule. It will also justify a sequel that at least (partly) utilizes previous locations by introducing new races, and thereby towns or regions, to interact with even if it retreads some of those same locales. I am excited for whatever Breath of the Wild 2 throws my way, but I want Nintendo to take advantage of the new Sky area and really lean into the opportunities for exploration and lore by introducing us to new and fantastic races.


David Lasby

I can’t help it–Elden Ring changed the way I look at large epic games–and now I want some of those qualities to work their way into my favorite franchise of all time. For the sequel to Breath of the Wild, give me character classes and custom upgrade ability. Hear me out. What if players could choose what kind of Hero Link becomes in the game? Nothing would have to fundamentally change in terms of the story; players could still find the same main items in dungeons and use the same required abilities to defeat particular bosses. But what if players could direct Link’s journey down the road of a warrior mage, a master archer, or sword specialist? 

I think giving players a chance to make Link their own would only add to the joy of the franchise. While Link has clearly developed into a unique character over the course of the franchise’s 19 mainline titles, he has always been the player’s connection to the world of Hyrule. Why not allow for a deeper immersion into that connection? Beyond that, each incarnation of the Hero has always varied between games, so giving players some control over manifesting those differences would fall well within the spirit of the franchise.


Heather Beard

Breath of the Wild already had a massively expansive map when it released in 2017, but what if there were more to that map? I would love to see that map visit the familiar places that we already know and love, but I would like to see that things have changed since the event that took place in the first game. I also would love to see that map expanded on. Hyrule as we know it has been saved, Hylians should be rebuilding which would mean that the map would have more to offer. 

I also would not mind an even bigger map. I imagine that Link and Zelda probably chose to scout Hyrule and learn about its ancient history thus leading them to discover new places. One of my favorite parts about Breath of the Wild was being able to adventure everywhere and anywhere. I would love to see that expanded upon. What if Link were able to swim underwater now and there were lake caves to discover? What if we could explore underground Hyrule (which would explain what we saw in the teaser trailer.) I feel like this iteration of Hyrule has so much more to offer. It would even be more open-world. It would take the giant map of Breath of the Wild and make it even bigger and that would make it worth so much more to me.


Alasyn Eletha

What would really make the wait for Breath of the Wild 2 worth it for me would be a much more in depth story that is unfolding in real time. Finding the memories in Breath of the Wild was fine. The focus of the game was on exploration, not story. But this sequel has to leave that gimmick behind. That way, it remains special and unique to the masterpiece that is Breath of the Wild

I’m not just hoping for any compelling story, though (but don’t get me wrong, I’ll settle for whatever they give us as long as it’s just more). I’m specifically hoping for the fan theory that Link somehow travels to Hyrule of the past. To the very time where the hero, the princess, and the Champions of legend first sealed away Calamity Ganon, 10,000 years before our experience in Breath of the Wild. Not only would Link find himself lost in that time, but could also become the literal hero we hear about from Rhoam, Impa, and Kass. I can’t help but feel like Breath of the Wild’s original, less involved story would have so much more meaning if we as Link played a part in those precursor moments; if we got to meet a different Zelda, and the original Champions! Essentially, I want the Link we know from our present to set into motion the events that he and Zelda endure 10,000 years in the future. A story as thrilling and mind boggling as that would certainly make this sequel worth the wait. 


Andy Spiteri

What would make this excruciating wait worth it for me? Good question. From where I’m sitting right now, it feels like nothing will make the excruciating time that’s passed in between the reveal and eventual release all worth it, but that will probably change when Nintendo pulls back the curtain on this game. I think that – like many – when Breath of the Wild 2 was first revealed, I assumed it would be the “Majora’s Mask” to Breath of the Wild’sOcarina of Time” in that in exchange for using a lot of the same assets, similar world, and gameplay mechanics, you could release the sequel in  a timely manner. This obviously didn’t happen. So I guess what would make it worth it to me is if, in exchange for the long wait, the longest wait between mainline console Zelda games EVER, that the assets, world, and mechanics are unique and different.

Truth be told, from what we’ve seen so far, I’m not really encouraged that this will come true. The assets look identical in terms of enemies and models, and the gameplay mechanics look beefed up, but not really all that dissimilar from the runes we used in the first game. Where Breath of the Wild 2 can maybe succeed is the world. What we’ve seen looks basically identical to Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule, even with the Sky being a part of the equation, so I’m hoping that with all this time passed, Nintendo has been really cooking up something special for the player to explore. Perhaps some kind of Dark World, maybe a completely different Hyrule from 10,000 years ago, maybe another realm entirely… I’m not sure. But if the world can deliver, maybe I’ll consider the long wait worth it.



There we are! Our thoughts on what would make this excruciating wait worth it in the end. Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to let us know what one thing YOU think would justify this long development cycle!


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