Zelda Dungeon Goes Gaga

In a preposterous juxtaposition, Youtube user dogandponyshowyoutub has put some midi-fied Lady Gaga tracks over some classic Zelda gameplay. While I can appriciate some of Lady Gaga’s artistry and music, even the 8-bit version in the video, I certainly don’t think we’ll ever hear such songs in the Zelda franchise.

Something else worth noting: the footage shown in the video is from Zelda Dungeon’s own Zelda walkthrough! Mases published the video over four years ago and boy has it aged well. It’s unmistakeable; swipe for swipe, hit for hit, the two videos match up perfectly. See a comparison after the jump.

To see the two videos matched up perfectly start the first one about 5 seconds before the second. Let us know what you think of this quirky video in the comments below.

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