Windmill Hut – Zelda Series for Guitar

320px-Kakarikowindmill-e136555400032911131111About a year and a half ago Nintendo released two music books of official arrangements of Zelda music for guitar and piano. While many people did, and still do create their own fantastic arrangements of Zelda music, this gave people a “standard” source, and is really helpful for people that aren’t as good at playing music by ear. Soon after the books came out, Sathoshi Aikawa, by the YouTube handle GilvaSunner uploaded every single guitar cover in great quality. Hit the jump to listen!

The Title Theme from The Legend of Zelda.

The Overworld Theme from The Legend of Zelda.

The Darkworld Theme from A Link to the Past.

These are only three videos in the entire 33 video set, and all are worth a listen. The guitar playing is clean and overall really well done, and the entire set is a great collection of the music just as it was written. From there, people can continue to take music covers and arrangements as close or as far as possible to the originals, which is one great thing about the Zelda community.

You can find all of the videos in a convenient playlist here; most videos are only a minute or two long!

Also, if you want the books for yourself, they’re both on Amazon! Piano, Guitar

What did you think? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube

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