Magical Rod

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This article is about the item from The Legend of Zelda. For items from other games, see Rod (Disambiguation).

The Magical Rod, known as a magic wand in the manual, is an optional item from The Legend of Zelda and BS The Legend of Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda

Magical Rod sprite from The Legend of Zelda

The Magical Rod is found in the sixth dungeon of the game, The Dragon, and serves as the main item found in that dungeon. The Magical Rod's main use is it shoots a beam forward that can harm enemies. This item has exactly the same attack power and range as a White Sword Sword Beam. This item is great when Link does not have full health, as it does what a fully charged White Sword does. This item can be used to defeat most bosses, including Aquamentus, Digdogger, and Gleeok.

Later on in the game, Link has the opportunity to upgrade the Magical Rod into a more powerful version of itself. This upgrade can be performed once Link acquires the Book of Magic from the eighth dungeon of the game, The Lion. This upgrade causes the Magical Rod's beam to erupt in flames after it makes contact with an object.[1] This can be used to light up any dark room, like Candles. However, these flames can cause damage to Link, so they are best avoided.

Non-Canon Appearances

This section describes a subject that is or may be outside the core Zelda canon.

BS The Legend of Zelda

Magical Rod sprite from BS The Legend of Zelda

The Magical Rod is found in both Level 6 of MAP1 and Level 6 of MAP2. It is essentially identical in use to The Legend of Zelda version, above, including in combination with the Book of Magic upgrade found in Level 8.




  1. "What's more, if Link picks up the Magic Book and learns some new spells, he can chant some fiery spells and send out flames.", The Legend of Zelda Instruction Booklet, pg. 26
  2. "[The Magical Rod] is the wand that Wizzrobe[s] use[.]", The Legend of Zelda Instruction Booklet, pg. 26