Captain Construct III Horn

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Captain Construct III Horn
Captain Construct III Horn - TotK icon.png



Not available until World Level reaches 2800.


Green-rupee.png 12

Upgrade from

Upgrade to

Obtained from


Sharp Fused Weapons
Upgrade Zonaite Set to ★★★★

Dye Color




Captain Construct III Horn is a type of material in Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom

"A sharp, blade-like horn with a complex tip. It looks almost decorative. Attach it to a weapon to greatly increase attack power."

Tears of the Kingdom in-game description

Captain Construct III Horns are primarily obtained by defeating Captain Construct IIIs, although they can occasionally be found in treasure chests as part of "Captain III" Fused Weapons once the World Level reaches 2800. Their primary use is to fuse to weapons, with a base fuse attack power of 25. to make sharp blades which do not attract lightning. As a Zonai item, they resonate with Zonai weapons, such as Strong Zonaite Swords, Strong Zonaite Longswords and Strong Zonaite Spears to boost their fuse attack power.

Fifteen Captain Construct III Horns are required as part of the cost of upgrading the Zonaite Set to ★★★★ level, five each for the Zonaite Helm, Zonaite Waistguard and Zonaite Shin Guards. They are not used in any other armor upgrades, nor are they required for any quests.

They cannot be used to make elixirs. However, they can be used for green dye at the Kochi Dye Shop, sold to shops and merchants for 12 rupees a piece, or traded for Zonai Devices in a Zonai Device Dispenser.
