Blazing Bat

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Blazing Bats,[1] also known as Firebats,[2] are enemies summoned by Ganon from The Legend of Zelda series.

A Link to the Past


In A Link to the Past, the Blazing Bats are Ganon's primary form of attack. At the start of the battle, Ganon will swing his Trident in the air, tossing it across the room before then teleporting to catch it. After taking some damage, Ganon will start to summon these Blazing Bats. He will spin his Trident around, causing eight small flames to appear in a circle around the Trident. The circle will expand momentarily to a much larger circle before reverting to normal. These flames will turn into Blazing Bats and Ganon will send them out towards Link.

These Bats cannot be defeated and Link can only hope to avoid them. These bats are incredibly damaging, doing two full hearts of damage even when Link has the Red Mail. Link can avoid them by using either the Magic Cape or the Cane of Byrna.

Later in the battle after Ganon has caused the lights to go out, he will still summon these bats, although this time he'll do it one at a time. After teleporting to a location in the room, Ganon will send out one Blazing Bat. He may send the bat in a direct line towards Link, in which it will leave a trail of flames behind him. Alternatively, Ganon may send the Blazing Bat out in a circular pattern, quickly moving away from Ganon in the process. This method covers more ground on the screen and also leaves a trail of flames.

Link's Awakening

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A Link Between Worlds

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Echoes of Wisdom

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  1. "Ganon first attacks with his Trident and then he attacks with Blazing Bats." — A Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide, pg. 157
  2. "Link's quickness was not enough to keep him safe from the Tridents and Firebats of Ganon's attack." — A Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide, pg. 140