Walkthrough:Jabul Ruins (Echoes of Wisdom)
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The Jabul Ruins Walkthrough is a full guide for the Jabul Ruins, the dungeon featured in Echoes of Wisdom. This includes navigating the dungeon, opening all chests, and taking on the dungeon boss, Vocavor.
Pink Switch
- As soon as Zelda walks straight ahead, the ground below will crumble and Zelda will drop down into the water at the lower floor.
- Zelda can navigate the underwater area, using Bind on the massive boulders. Zelda will eventually come across Vocavor, a giant fish enemy that summons a massive whirlpool.
- Zelda will need to swim to the right, avoiding the enemies and moving the larger boulder at the end of the path.
- After resurfacing, navigate to the left, avoiding the enemies and climb the steps.
- Zelda can use the Waypoint to create a warp point. Then Zelda can head up a screen and step on the pink switch. This will cause water to flow into this main chamber.
- There are four other switches that Zelda will need to push, beginning the with either the orange switch at the bottom-right, or the blue switch at the bottom-left.
Orange Switch
- From the central chamber, Zelda can head down the ladder at the bottom-right of the room to reach a side-scrolling area.
- Using echoes to navigate and fight off enemies, Zelda will find a chest to the right that contains the Dungeon Map. Zelda can then navigate the underwater area and resurface on the right.
- The room has a number of Octoroks and Chompfins in the area. Use flying echoes such as a Peahat Echo to get rid of the Octoroks. Zelda can then use Water Blocks to get up to the higher areas so that Chompfins cannot harm her. From here, she can drop Sea Urchins or other water-based enemies to clear the Chompfins.
- At the north end of the room, Zelda can use a Tangler Echo or Bombfish Echo to blow up the wooden box and swim underneath. In the north-west corner of the room, Zelda can reach a chest containing 50 Rupees.
- Using Echoes, Zelda can reach the higher part of the north-end of the room. From here, she can walk across the tightropes and down the stairs.
- In this area, there are numbers Sand Crabs. Zelda can use a variety of echoes to defeat the crabs that are both in the water and on the surface.
- After climbing the stairs, step on the orange switch to get more water to flow into the main room.
- Zelda can then fall down the hole to the left and then climb the ladder to get back to main chamber.
Use a Tangler Echo or Bombfish Echo to break the wooden box Use a Trampoline Echo to reach the chest at the north-west corner Use echoes to defeat the Sand Crabs
Blue Switch
- From the main room, head down the ladder on the left side to reach an underwater area.
- Use an echo to defeat the Tangler Lv. 2 that is swimming around.
- As Zelda travels further down, the water gets darker. She can swim over the blue coral to temporarily light up the surrounding area.
- Use air bubbles that are found throughout the area and defeat the Bio Deku Babas that are found here, using a Tangler or Chompfin.
- Near the south-west corner of the underwater area, there is a chest that contains 100 rupees.
- Resurface at the top-left and you'll find yourself in a room that has four torches, one of them being underwater.
- Dive into the water and grab the torch with Bind. Bring it up to the surface and then use an Ignizol Echo to light up the three unlit torches. With all of them lit, head through the door that opens up.
- Step on the blue switch to get water flowing to the main room.
- Drop down the hole on the right and climb the ladder to get back to the main chamber.
Defeat the Bio Deku Babas Use an Ignizol to light all the torches
Green Switch
- After activating the three lower switches, the water geyser will by large enough where Zelda can ride it up to the higher level of the main chamber. From here she can head in either direction, but the green switch is in the north-east part of the room.
- In the underwater area, Zelda can swim to the south-west area of the room by moving the platform with Bind. A chest can be found in the corner here containing a Golden Egg.
- Zelda can swim down, moving the platforms and boulders that are in the way. Eventually she'll come across the big chest which contains the Big Key.
- At the far right of the underwater area, Zelda can use a Bombfish Echo to blow up the wooden boxes, occasionally stopping to get air from the air bubbles. After clearing the path, Zelda can climb out of the water on the right.
- Use water-based echoes to defeat the Dark Tanglers and the Dark Biris and head left a screen.
- Defeat the Bio Deku Babas and then use Bind to put a pot or statue on the green switch. This will cause water to flow to the main room.
- Swim down the hole on the left and use Bind to move the plank and the boulder. Swim down and left to return to the main chamber.
Open the chest to get a Golden Egg Move the Boulder and the plank will flow up Use a Bombfish to break the cracked block Swim down to the big chest and get the Big Key Defeat the Dark Tanglers and Dark Biris and head left Defeat the Bio Deku Babas Place a pot, statue or Boulder Echo on the green switch to cause water to flow to the center room
Yellow Switch
- Ride the water geyser up in the main room and this time head through the door to the north-west.
- Use flying echoes to get rid of the enemy Octoroks that are in this room.
- Here you'll find some floating wooden planks in the water. Zelda will need to jump on the wooden planks to get to the left side. She can then use an echo, such as a Trampoline to get up to the higher, safe location to the left.
- On the left side of the room, Zelda is moving against the flow of the water, but the process is still the same. Defeat the enemies and then use an echo to reach the door. Alternative, Zelda can switch to Swordfighter Form, which allows her to jump a little bit higher.
- In the next room there are numerous targets that Zelda must hit. The first one can be hit with an echo with a projectile attack, such as a Spear Moblin.
- Zelda can then jump on the wooden boxes and jump up to the higher ledge. She can hit this switch by tossing an object, such as a Rock after using a Rock Echo.
- At the bottom of the room, there is a target underwater. Use a Bombfish to clear the Sea Urchins and then hit the target.
- At the far left there is another switch on a higher ledge. Zelda can climb on to the area just south of it and use a series of Soft Beds to reach the switch. She can then hit the target with an echo or using swordfighter form.
- The last switch is at the top-left corner of the room. Zelda can head to the door at the north end of the room and use echoes to reach the wooden boxes. Zelda can move the wooden boxes with Bind, or blow them up with a bombfish.
- After climbing the steps, clear the room of Tektites and then head right a screen. Step on the yellow switch to get more water flowing into the center chamber.
- Drop down the hole on the right and head back right a screen to get back to the main room.
Use an echo, such as a Trampoline Echo to jump up Alternatively, Zelda can use Swordfighter Form to jump higher Use a projectile echo such as a Spear Moblin Echo A Bombfish can defeat the Sea Urchins and hit the switch Use Old Beds on the left to reach the switch Defeat all of the enemy Tektites in the room
- With all the water in the main chamber now flowing, Zelda can ride the water geyser up to the top floor. Use the Big Key on the locked door and then drop down to take on the dungeon boss, Vocavor.
- Use an echo, such as a Chompfin to hit the scales that are on top of Vocavor. After all the scales are hit, Vocavor will be stunned and Zelda can deal damage. Use Echoes or Swordfighter Form to harm the boss.
- Vocavor will unleash small whirlpools towards Zelda that can be avoided him simply swimming underneath or over top of them. Repeat the same process to deal damage to Vocavor.
- Eventually the boss will drain some of the water in the dungeon and begin to swim around. Vocavor will summon a massive whirlpool that is a bit more difficult to avoid. The energy it takes Vocavor to summon it will cause the boss to tire out. Avoid the whirlpool and use Swordfighter form to remove the blue scales.
- Repeat this process of removing the blue scales and then hitting Vocavor until the boss is defeated.
Ride the water geyser to the top of the room and use the Big Key Vocavor will appear and the battle will begin Use a Chompfin to attack Vocavor Change to Swordfighter Form and deal damage on the boss When the water is drained, Zelda can use other echoes such as a Peahat Echo to deal damage
Post-Jabul Ruins
- After completing the dungeon, the Rift will be mended and Lord Jabu-Jabu will return. The River Zora and Sea Zora will perform together in celebration.
- General Wright will appear and after Zelda tells him the news, he will depart for Lueburry's House in Suthorn Forest. This will complete The Jabul Waters Rift quest.
General Wright will appear before departing for Lueburry's House