Walkthrough:Eldin Volcano (Echoes of Wisdom)

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The Eldin Volcano Walkthrough is a full guide for scaling Eldin Volcano, reaching Goron City, and entering the Eldin Temple.

Eldin Volcano Trail

  • After completing Hyrule Castle, Zelda will meet with the King of Hyrule and learn about three large rifts, one of which is on top of Eldin Volcano. A mark is made on Zelda's map, located west of Hyrule Castle. Travel in this direction to arrive at Kakariko Village.
  • Once in Kakariko Village, Zelda will find a soldier speaking with some of the residents. From here head directly north out of the village and onto the Eldin Volcano Trail. After arriving, Zelda will get an overview of the area, beginning The Rift on Eldin Volcano quest.
  • Zelda can travel west along the trail and she can defeat some Mini-Moldorm, learning the Mini-Moldorm Echo. Eventually she'll reach a cave which she can enter.
  • Clear the Beetle and Beetle Mounds in the area and continue left a screen. Open the chest to get five Rocktatoes and then exit the cave.
  • Climb to the left and you'll find an enemy camp with three Lizalfos. Clear the enemies, learn the Lizalfos Echo, and open the chest to get 3 Might Crystals.
  • Save at the Waypoint and then continue climb up the mountain. To the right there are some air geysers pushing out hot steam which will cause damage to Zelda if she hits them. Use echoes and some patience to get by these geysers and continue to the right until you reach another cave.
  • Inside the cave, defeat the Ghirro and learn the echo. Zelda can then use the echo and grab onto the enemy. While holding the enemy, she can walk over the geyser and it will float over the gap. Up ahead, Zelda can use the Ghirro to blow out some of the flames that are in the way, allowing her to grab onto the wall and reach the end of the cave.
  • Outside, Zelda can climb the wall to make it up to Eldin Volcano. From there she can walk northeast to meet with a Goron. After speaking with him, head inside to enter Goron City.

Goron City

  • Once inside Goron City, Tri can make a portal, leading down to the Stilled Goron City. Here Zelda will need to find four of Tri's friends.
  • Right at the entrance of Stilled Goron City, there is a large Goron-vase on the left. Climb up on the right side and then climb down into the vase.
  • Inside there is a Dark Zol and a Dark Mini-Moldorm, along with a bunch of cracked boulders. Zelda can use the Bombfish Echo to breah the boulders. As she makes here way down, she'll find the purple goo at the bottom of the room.
  • Back outside, Zelda can make her way to the southwest corner, where she'll find a Dark Mini-Moldorm near another of Tri's friends.
  • Zelda can make her way to the north-central part of the area, just beyond the Dark Torch Slug, where she'll find another of Tri's friends.
  • The last of Tri's friends can be found at the far northwest corner of the area. Zelda will need to use some Echoes to reach the purple goo and find the friends.
  • With all friends returned, Zelda will earn 2 Might Crystals. Tri will be able to mend the Rift, restoring Goron City. Zelda will meet with Darston, the Goron Chief, but some of the Gorons are still mising. Darston will head outside, looking for the Goron Elders Gol and Silv. Zelda can follow the chief and speak to him outside.

Lizalfos Burrow

  • From just outside Goron City, head to the right and then climb up the ramps. Navigate by the enemies to reach the Lava Lake. Head inside the cave to reach the Lizalfos Burrow.
  • Inside Zelda will find a Goron along with Elder Silv, who have retreated due to the strength of the enemy Lizalfos within the cave. This will begin the Lizalfos Burrow main quest.
  • Head into the first room to find a pair of Lizalfos, which Zelda can defeat with a variety of echoes. Open the chest to find 5 Rocktatoes and then progress to the next room.
  • Here Zelda will find a pair of Lizalfos Lv. 2 enemies. Defeat them using echoes and Darston will appear. Follow him onward to the next area.
  • Clear the Fire Keese and another Lizalfos Lv. 2 and continue forward. Here there are numerous Dark Lizalfos. Darston will perform a ground pound, knocking rocks down and defeating some of the enemies. Use a variety of echoes to clera the remaining Dark Lizalfos.
  • After clear the enemies, Zelda and Darston will appear back at the entrance with Elder Silv. While he thanks you for clearing the Lizalfos, he isn't able to help Zelda with her quest at this time. This will complete the Lizalfos Burrow quest.

Lizalfos Burrow

Rock-Roast Quarry

  • From just outside the Lizalfos Burrow, travel to the north end of the Lava Lake and learn the Lava Rock Echo. Use the Lava Rocks and place one on the fire geyser to the left. Use it to ride up to the higher platform.
  • Continue to the left and use echoes to get across the lava. At the northwest corner of the Eldin Volcano, enter the Rock-Roast Quarry.
  • At the entrance, Zelda will meet up with Elder Gol and two other Gorons. Darston will appear to find the Gorons here are scared of the Rift that appeared, but are also hungry for some Rock Roast. This will begin the Rock-Roast Quarry main quest.
  • Navigate the cave, defeating the Tweelus and the Fire Octos that are in the room. At the northeast corner of the room, Zelda will find some Rock Roast. While Zelda can make a Rock Roast Echo, the Gorons at the entrance only want the real thing.
  • Use Bind to grab the Rock Roast and carry it to the entrance of the cave. After dropping it off, return and grab another piece of Rock Roast. After dropping it front of the Gorons, Darston will also appear, carrying some Rock Roast of his own.
  • Elder Gol will awake to eat the roast, but he doesn't know anything about a shortcut. Elder Gol will leave, competing the Rock-Rock Quarry quets.

Crater Shortcut

  • Use the Waypoint to warp back to Goron City. Once inside, Zelda will find Silv and Gol. They initially don't recall the secret, until Silv remembers Darston's father talking about something "blocking off the path" in the chief's room. Darston will then run off to his room.
  • Darston will comment about the portrait of his dad. Afterwards, Zelda can use Bind on the statue and yank it off the wall, revealing the secret passage.
  • In the first room of the Crater Shortcut, Zelda can use a flying echo, such as a Mothula Echo to release a Mothula. Grab onto the Mothula and float across the gap to the next room.
  • Continue to use a Mothula along with the wind geysers to float up towards the north end of the room.
  • There is a treasure chest at the northeast corner of the room. There is a lava geyser just below it, but it will take two Lava Rocks to reach it. Use a Lava Rock on the left and then use Bind on the existing Lava Rock to grab it. Pull it over and use a combination of two Lava Rocks, one of which is placed on the lava geyser to reach the chest, which contains a Monster Stone.
  • Use the Lava Rocks to reach the door to the north and head up the ladder.
  • Use Lava Rocks as the geysers and the lava and leap across. Use Lava Rock Echoes, as well as the existing Lava Rocks to navigate the room. At the far left of the room, there is a chest containing 50 rupees. Ride the large lava geyser up to the top and head up the ladder.
  • Cross the bridge and Darston will appear and using his stone tablet, he'll break the boulder, leading to another passage. Inside, hop across the lava and Tri will make an opening, leading down to the Stilled Eldin Volcano.

Stilled Eldin Volcano

  • The Stilled Eldin Volcano is fairly straight forward early on. Simply use Lava Rock Echoes and Old Bed Echoes to navigate the area. In the center of the area where a purple Tecuum is floating around that will try to attack Zelda and spawn Dark enemies, run southward to find a chest that contains 5 Rocktatoes.
  • Continue climb up the area, avoiding the Dark Mini-Moldorms until you come across a Waypoint.
  • Continue to the northwest corner of the area where you'll find a wind geyser next to some lava. The best strategy here is to use a Mothula Echo or other flying echo and use the geyser to give you some height. Glide tot he east, avoiding the lava. Continue and enter the Eldin Temple.