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Teebo (Son)

Tamana is a character in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

Tamana is a farmer in Hateno Village who can be found raising Cuccos. She lives at the northwest side of town with her son Teebo, just north of the Ventest Clothing Boutique.

When Link first tries talking to her, she aggressively tells at Link, stating that he is standing on private property.[1] Although she quickly apologizes, stating that this wasn't very nice and that Link is probably a great person to talk to.[2] She regularly loses control of her thoughts, causing her to ramble without finishing a point.[3] This has caused a rift with her husband. She eventually apologizes yet again and will give Link a Bird Egg for his trouble.[4]

When talking to her again, she thought that she told Link to leave and seems to remember having a good reason to do so.[5][6] However, if Link tells her she didn't ask him to leave, she will get caught off guard and will tell Link a completely unrelated story.[7] She tells Link that everyone on the farm has gotten used to scrambled eggs for breakfast, mostly because she is a bit clumsy, regularly dropping eggs.[8] Midway through her rambling, Tamana seems to think that she is playing a trivia game with Link and congratulates him on correctly guessing the right answer, rewarding him with another Big Egg.[9] When Link lets her know that he never actually answered a question, Tamana than will think that Link actually made a purchase from her.[10][11] She then realizes that she was supposed to sell that egg at the East Wind general store, but gave it away for free.[12][13][14]

Even after giving Link multiple Bird Eggs, Tamana is still a bit resistant and annoyed when Link talks to her, always trying to nicely tell him to leave her alone.[15][16][17]

She will spend most of her day cleaning up the Cucco pen, but will run inside if it starts to rain. At 9pm each evening she will head back inside to go to bed. She will get annoyed if Link keeps talking to her when she is on her way inside.[18][19][20] When asked, Link can say that she never told him not to follow her. If this happens, Tamana will give Link yet another Bird Egg.[21]

Tears of the Kingdom

Withered Hand Symbol - TOTK.png
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  1. Hey! This is private property here! Don't make me call...uh...someone! - Tamana
  2. I'm sorry. That wasn't very nice of me at all... You're not a weirdo-I can tell. You're probably a great person to talk to. - Tamana
  3. Oh, no! There I go again, just talking with no purpose. I get carried away and just don't know when to quit. It really drives my husband crazy when I just can't find my point... I guess... Could you just go somewhere else, please? - Tamana
  4. Could you just go somewhere else, please? I'm sorry for speaking so harshly... Please enjoy this apology egg. - Tamana
  5. I think I told you to leave, didn't I? - Tamana
  6. I thought so. I'm sure I had a good reason... Or did I? - Tamana
  7. Oh, I didn't say that? Well, I meant to... - Tamana
  8. Oh! Everyone on the farm has gotten used to scrambled eggs for breakfast... Know why? Well, I married into this poultry farm a few years ago, but I still drop eggs like they're dipped in butter. - Tamana
  9. Oh! Everyone on the farm has gotten used to scrambled eggs for breakfast... Know why? Well, I married into this poultry farm a few years ago, but I still drop eggs like they're dipped in butter. So if you guessed that it's a rare thing for an egg to survive in my hands, you guessed right! Congratulations! For your winning guess, you get this egg I haven't smashed to pieces yet! Yay! - Tamana
  10. What, did you answer the question, or did I? - Tamana
  11. Well, you'll be happy with your purchase! It's chock-full of nutrients, so please use it in all sorts of cooking. - Tamana
  12. ...Oh, darn it. I just gave away that egg I was supposed to sell at the general store...again! - Tamana
  13. I'm such a softy. I can't help it! It just doesn't seem right to make money off of it. But tell that to my husband! - Tamana
  14. I'd love to give you another bird egg... But then I'd have some explaining to do at home. We sell'em to that shop East Wind, though. So look for them there. - Tamana
  15. Oh, hullo... Don't you have somewhere better to be? - Tamana
  16. Just more cleaning today... ... ... Can I help you with something? - Tamana
  17. Um...I don't really have anything to talk about, so... Maybe we're done here? - Tamana
  18. I'm going to bed now. So that means...don't follow me. Obviously. - Tamana
  19. I seed "don't follow me," didn't I. - Tamana
  20. You seem to really like hanging around here for some reason, huh? - Tamana
  21. Please enjoy this apology egg. - Tamana