Mount Drena

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Mount Drena is a location found in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. It is a long mountain ridge situated to the west of the Great Hyrule Forest, extending into Hebra.

Breath of the Wild

Mount Drena is a mountain ridge found northeast of the Snowfield Stable and just east of the North Tabantha Snowfield with two peaks - one in Central Hyrule, one in Hebra, with a ragged ridge linking the two.

North Peak

The northern peak, in Hebra, overlooks the North Lomei Labyrinth to the northeast and is bitterly cold. As such, Link will need to either wear armor or consume food with high-level Cold Resistance in order to survive for an extended period of time.

Throughout the mountain, there are many chests that Link can find with a variety of treasures, as well as other points of interest:

  • Just north of this peak of the mountain, there is a Bokoblin camp with a pair of Blue Bokoblins on the watchtowers, and a trio of Black Bokoblins huddled around a campfire. The many Bokoblins are protecting a treasure chest that holds 5 Ice Arrows.
  • Another Bokoblin camp can be found at the south side of the peak, this one having the same arrangement of Blue and Black Bokoblins possibly alongside a more dangerous Silver Bokoblin (provided that the World Level has increased sufficiently). A treasure chest can be found here that contains 5 Shock Arrows. Another treasure chest is found just southeast of here, down the cliff behind some destructible rocks. This one contains 5 Fire Arrows.
  • At the peak of the mountain there are two boulders that Link can roll down the hill. If rolled to the southeast, they will travel quite a ways before landing in a hole, at which point a Korok will produce itself. A bit east of here, at a much lower elevation, there are some more destructible rocks on the side of a cliff with a treasure chest behind it that contains a Hylia Series spear, such as a Knight's Halberd.
  • To the northeast of the peak, there is a block puzzle where Link can get a Korok Seed. Just south of there, Link will find some long-dead Guardians, as well as one Decayed Guardian that will only come to life when Link draws near.
  • Two more treasure chests can be found in the area, one is just to the east, a bit down the mountain. There is yet another pile of destructible boulders against the side of the cliff, behind which lies a treasure chest that contains a Silver Rupee. Another is much further to the northeast, almost to the North Lomei Labyrinth. There is another faulty wall here, and the treasure chest behind it has another Silver Rupee.

South Peak

While Link can spend quite a while collecting everything on the peak in Hebra, the southern peak holds far less for him than its northern brother. There is a Korok at the summit, and a chest containing a Hylia Series spear, such as a Royal Halberd, at the top of the mountain. The weather in this area is temperate, with the exception of the highest point (low-level Cold Resistance is recommended here).




Nearby Korok Seeds

Pick up the rock on the peak of the mountain.

Pick up the rock at the moutain's peak.

On top of the temple, use Magnesis to put the cube back in its rightful spot.

Solve the block puzzle with Magnesis.

Complete the block puzzle with the metal block.

Solve the block puzzle by making use of Magnesis.

Roll a boulder (from uphill to the northwest) into the hole.

Roll a boulder from the northwest into the hole down the slope.

Complete the three rock circles, using the rock lying in one of the circles.

Correct the rock pattern by using the stray rock in the centre of the circle.

Inside the Forgotten Temple, behind the Goddess Statue's head, north of the shrine, lift the rock.

All the way at the very back of the Forgotten Temple, behind the Goddess Statue's head, lift the rock.

Tears of the Kingdom

Mount Drena is a mountain range stretching from just west of the Great Hyrule Forest, all the way to the North Tabantha Snowfield. It consists of two peaks - one in Hebra, the other in Central Hyrule. The west end of Mount Drena is very cold, requiring Link to have Cold Resistance in order to survive. Early in the game, when the Blizzard is affecting Rito Village, it will be continuously snowing at Mount Drena.

Between the two peaks, just north of the main path, there is a small camp with a Bokoblin, Blue Bokoblin, and Blue Moblin. A treasure chest can be found at the camp containing five Arrows.

Just to the northwest of the southpeak of Mount Drena, there are some ruins that fell from the sky. Here there is a treasure chest partially buried that contains three Rockets.

Just south of the southeast peak of Mount Drena, there are some more ruins. In the center, there is a treasure chest that contains three Lights.

In between the two mountain peaks, there is a crossroads along the main path. Addison can be found here holding a Hudson Sign. Link can help him hold the sign and as a reward, he'll give Link a Red Rupee, some Meaty Rice Balls, and a Bomb Flower.

Kikakin Shrine

Main article: Kikakin Shrine

At the southeast peak of Mount Drena, a shrine can be visible just slightly to the northeast. The Kikakin Shrine, titled Shining in Darkness, requires Link to carry a light through dark corridors, uncovering treasure chests along the way.

Korok Seeds

  • At the southeast peak of Mount Drena, there is a cork stuck in a stump. Attach the nearby Wing to the cork to weigh it down, causing the cork to pull out.
  • At the south end of the southeast peak, there is a Korok who got separated from his friend. Grab him and take him directly west, down the hill, to reunite him with his friend.
  • Southeast of the west peak, there is a boulder in a small crater. Just up to the northwest there a three-pronged pedestal. Place the boulder on the pedestal to get the Korok Seed.
  • East of the western peak, almost at the edge of the cliff. Near the bottom of this area on the cliffside, there is an overhang with a stump on the ceiling. Use Ascend to get through the stump and get the Korok Seed.
  • Northeast of the northern peak, there is a rock arrangement, with one rock missing. Pick up the nearby rock and place it in its proper location to get the Korok Seed.



Bugs and Materials
