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In Other Languages[show]
Language Name
Japan 日本語 メダマーゴ

Margoma is the boss of the Forest Temple in the Woodlands in Tri Force Heroes. It is a modified version of Margomill from A Link Between Worlds.

It is a multi-layered disc with a vulnerable eye in the center and spikes that surround it. It moves around the room, then extracts its spikes, at which point it quickly attempts to ram into the Links. The Links have to throw a bomb into the hole of the disc, which causes the eye to appear, then one of the Links have to be thrown on top of the disc and continuously strike the eye. If the Links continuously strike the eye one time, it creates a second layer, which requires three Links to throw a bomb into the hole. If the Links continuously strike the eye two more times, the disc explodes and the eye starts bouncing around the room. If the Links strike the eye enough times, it will be defeated.