Hyrule Field (Hyrule Warriors)

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This article describes a subject that is or may be outside the core Zelda canon.
Hyrule Field
In Other Languages[show]
Language Name
Japan 日本語 ハイラル平原 (Hyrule Plains)

Hyrule Field is a stage from Hyrule Warriors. In the south-west corner sits Hyrule Castle, and in the south-east is a Fairy Fountain with a Great Fairy who is summoned with a Magic Circle in some scenarios.

A cut-down version is used in some Adventure Mode scenarios and the Rush Battle which only includes the central northern portion of the stage, including W. Rockface Keep and North Field Keep. In this, the doors to Central Keep, Mountain Keep, the north-western area, and the bridge to the north-east are permanently closed.

Ganon's Tower is another version of this stage, in disrepair after Ganondorf's conquest.


Note: Default names may be overwritten by Bases, and not all keeps are in use as such in every Scenario of the map.
Hyrule Field and Ganon Tower - HW Keep Map.png
  1. Castle Keep[keeps 1]
  2. Abandoned Fort
  3. W. Rockface Keep
  4. Central Keep
  5. West Field Keep
  6. North Field Keep
  7. East Field Keep
  8. South Field Keep
  9. Mountain Keep
  10. Fairy Fountain


Legend Mode

Cia's Tale

