Hearty Fish Pie

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"Restores your health and temporarily increases your maximum hearts. A mainstay in any fisherman's home, the crisp crust pairs well with the fishy flavor."

— In-Game Description

Hearty Fish Pie is a piece of food in Breath of the Wild.

Breath of the Wild

When eaten, Hearty Fish Pie grants Temporary Hearts, in addition to fully refilling Link's permanent heart containers. Cooking under a Blood Moon may increase this effect.

It can be made in a lit Cooking Pot using Hearty Bass/Hearty Salmon/Hearty Blueshell Snail, Rock Salt, Tabantha Wheat and Goat Butter. Using a fifth "Hearty" ingredient will strengthen the effect. The fish can be exchanged for a "Neutral" fish (Hyrule Bass or Sanke Carp), but then the fifth ingredient must grant the Hearty effect for it to remain Hearty Fish Pie.

Using an ingredient with an effect other than "Hearty" will cancel this effect out, leaving a plain Fish Pie or similar meal. There is no benefit to doing this

Cooking Ingredients

Simplest version:

Material Quantity
Hearty Bass.png Hearty Bass
Tabantha Wheat.png Tabantha Wheat
Goat Butter.png Goat Butter
Rock Salt.png Rock Salt

See also