Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer

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Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer

"Grants a [x]-level movement-speed boost. A simple dish made by cooking skewered fresh fish alongside fragrant mushrooms."

— In-Game Description

Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer is a meal in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, and is a variant of the Fish and Mushroom Skewer. When eaten, Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer grants a temporary movement-speed boost, in addition to restoring a variable number of hearts. Cooking under a Blood Moon may increase this effect.

It can be made in a lit Cooking Pot using Fleet-Lotus Seeds, a Hylian Shroom, and a fish with no net effect. It is worth noting that adding, but not substituting, a Rushroom will produce a Hasty Mushroom Skewer instead.

Cooking Ingredients

Material Icons Quantity
Hylian Shroom.png
Ancient Arowana - TotK icon.png
Hyrule Bass.png
Sanke Carp.png
Fleet-Lotus Seeds.png


  1. 1.1 1.2 Only available in Tears of the Kingdom

See also