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HW Link's Scarf.png
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"Two crossbows normally used to protect Cuccos from Wolfos. Use the Strong Attack to fire continuously, or hold down X / Y after a Combo Attack to fire bomb arrows!"

— In-game description

'Crossbows are a weapon class used by Linkle in Hyrule Warriors. They are Linkle's default weapon class, as she begins her journey with a pair of Simple Crossbows. While wielding them, Linkle fights using dual crossbows, firing both regular Arrows and Bomb Arrows.


  • Simple Crossbows: The Level 1 variation.
  • Hylian Crossbows: The Level 2 variation.
  • Legend's Crossbows: The Level 3 variation.
  • Legends's Crossbows +: The Level 4 variation.
  • Luminous Crossbows: The Level 4+ variation, which adds Hyrule Warriors Element Light.png Light as a secondary element.
Weapon Level Elements Strength Location
Simple Crossbows - HWDE icon.png
Simple Crossbows
1 Hyrule Warriors Element Fire.png Fire 80
(+8 per ★)
Unlocked from start
Hylian Crossbows - HWDE icon.png
Hylian Crossbows
2 Hyrule Warriors Element Fire.png Fire 150
(+15 per ★)
Complete The Demon Lord's Plan.
Legend's Crossbows - HWDE icon.png
Legend's Crossbows
3 Hyrule Warriors Element Fire.png Fire 280
(+28 per ★)
Master Quest Map, G-5?
Legend's Crossbows - HWDE icon.png
Legend's Crossbows +
4 Hyrule Warriors Element Fire.png Fire 500
(+50 per ★)
Twilight Map, E-7?
Luminous Crossbows 4+ Hyrule Warriors Element Fire.png Fire
Hyrule Warriors Element Light.png Light
(+50 per ★)
Lorule Map, C-1?


Attack Explanation
Base String?
Special Attack
Focus Spirit Finisher Manual: TBA
Automatic: TBA
Weak Point Smash Enemy Captain/Warrior: TBA
Giant Boss: TBA
Victory Animation