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This article consists of information about general caves. For other uses, see Cave (Disambiguation).

Caves are hidden, underground, or enclosed areas found throughout The Legend of Zelda series. They are often filled with enemies and have a valuable item towards the end of the cave.


Caves are often dark areas that Link cannot see with just his eye. At times, he will need to use a Candle or a Lantern to make the cave visible. Often, caves serve as gateways connecting various parts of the overworld. Other times, Caves lead to secret, valuable items such as a Piece of Heart or high value Rupees. In some rare cases, a cave may contain an item that is required to progress.

Tears of the Kingdom

Withered Hand Symbol - TOTK.png
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Following the Upheaval, 147 caves were discovered throughout the surface of Hyrule. Blupees can often be found near entrances, and can be used to lead Link to the entrance.

Various materials, such as Brightcaps and Glowing Cave Fish are only found in caves; along with the monstrous horriblins and bubbulfrogs. Every cave contains one bubbulfrog, who when defeated turn into blupees and drop a Bubbul Gem.

Misko's treasures, largely unique armors previously seen in Breath of the Wild, are found in caves. Some questlines and Shrines of Light are also located in caves.


Central Hyrule





