Ancient Gold Piece

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Ancient Gold Piece
Ancient Gold Coin

"You got the ancient gold piece! Check it out on the Collection screen! Just holding it in your hand seems to take you back to those long-forgotten days...[1]"

— In-game description

Ancient Gold Pieces (Ancient Gold Coins in the European/Australian version) are treasure found in Spirit Tracks.

Spirit Tracks

Ancient Gold Pieces are ancient, golden artifacts with a Triforce and other designs embedded onto them.[2] They can randomly be found throughout New Hyrule, and are also awarded in the Whip Race mini-game. They can be sold for 500 rupees, or can be used to upgrade various Train Parts.



  1. "You got the ancient gold piece! Check it out on the Collection screen! Just holding it in your hand seems to take you back to those long-forgotten days..." — In-game description, Spirit Tracks.
  2. "This ancient artifact makes you feel like you've stepped back in time." — In-game description, Spirit Tracks.