Screen shot 2015-04-21 at 7.25.39 AMIf you had the ear of Nintendo and they asked which The Legend of Zelda character should be the next amiibo released, what would you say?

The Zelda series has so many fantastic characters that although I am the one asking, I am having a hard time deciding for myself! With four different Zelda characters out already and another on its way, who could be the next amiibo we see announced?

With how difficult some of these amiibo are to find this leads me to another question. Do we even want another Zelda amiibo?


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Screen shot 2015-04-21 at 7.34.12 AMWith so many amiibo being released, I have spent countless hours hunting down those that I have been unable to preorder.  However, I am one of the lucky ones that has not had to pay the exorbitant prices that some sellers have been asking for, and to date I am only missing one amiibo that has been released so far. At this point I have started to ask myself, will I continue collecting them all, or will I just pick and choose my favorites? For myself and I am sure for most of you as well, this means collecting all the Zelda ones as yet unreleased. It is only a matter of time before we see another one, maybe a game specific Link for Zelda U, or an entirely new character we haven’t even met yet. Who knows what the future holds!

Screen shot 2015-04-21 at 7.42.12 AMNow back to my original question…

If you had your choice and could decide what Zelda character was released in amiibo form next, what would you choose?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!



Image Source: Nintendo

Sorted Under: The Legend of Zelda