The folks over at Ology have recently posted an article entitled Picture This: The Cheesiest Game Graphics. On the listing we find some rather obscure titles such as Bubsy 3D and Fight For Life, where there are also well-know awful titles such as Superman 64 and ET. So what does this have to do with Zelda? Well, one of the games listed is none other than Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon. Here is what Ology had to say about our ‘love to hate’ CD-i friend.

Princess Zelda is royalty and that means that sometimes she has to make her serious face. Pictured above: Her serious face. Wand of Gamelon is noteworthy for featuring Zelda as its protagonist and finally justifying the series’ title. More importantly, it’s known for some truly ridiculous animation and voice acting. Scour YouTube for the best clips–the adventure will surely be worth your time.

I can think of a lot of words to describe the Wand of Gamelon… but cheesy might be…… the best actually. The game is cheesy. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, but the Wand of Gamelon is not as awful as people say. It’s probably one of the best games for the Phillips CD-i and if it wasn’t a Zelda game, it would hardly be known at all as a bad game. When looked at side by side, Wand of Gamelon is an absolute masterpiece if you want to compare it to the abomination known as Zelda’s Adventure. That being said it’s not a good game but many standards and it’s much easier to dismiss it as not even really being a Zelda game.

With all that out of the way, Wand of Gamelon is very well known for its hilariously bad graphics and animations. It’s more than deserving to be on this list of games with cheesy graphics. The animations are so bad that they are good. It’s the reason that there are hundreds of YouTube spoofs of the various cut-scenes. People make fun of it, but deep down Wand of Gameline just makes them want to shake their head and giggle in hilarity.

What games do you think have the cheesiest game graphics? Have you seen much gameplay of Wand of Gamelon before? Do you think it fits my description of being so bad its good? Let us know by posting in the comments below!

Oh, and in case you’ve never seen anything from Wand of Gamelon before… embedded below is the first video of my Wand of Gamelon Video Walkthrough that I created earlier this year.

Source: Ology

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