
Check out this awesome theory from Zelda Youtuber GameOverJesse, exploring the possibilities of Volvagia’s origin! Delving into the flaming Dragon’s lore as explained in Ocarina of Time, and from there attempting to trace back it’s fiery history! Make the jump to check out the theory.





The above Zelda theory, brought to us by Youtuber GameOverJesse, ponders on whether Eldin from Skyward Sword is actually Volvagia, turned evil by the disruption caused by Skyloft returning to land at the end of that particular game. The theory also references Volvagia’s appearances in other Zelda games and media products, such as the Ocarina of Time manga in which Link befriends and trains a young Volvagia. Link Targaryen eh!?

What are your thoughts on this theory? Will you be checking out some of Jesse’s other theories on the Zelda series? Join in the discussion below!

Source: GameOverJesse (Youtube)