If you’re a fan of The Legend of Zelda, then you more than likely know and appreciate the masterful music that fills the many different adventures that this series has to offer. Legendary tracks, such as “Gerudo Valley”, “Saria’s Song”, and “The Ballad of the Goddess”, show us that Nintendo puts both love and care into the franchises that their customers love. Such content inspires fans to bring creations of their own to life. This woodwind arrangement from musician Josh Plotner shows us why.

This lighthearted arrangement of the Overworld theme from The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening embraces the essence of the 2D installments with a livening step! The cover contains just about every woodwind instrument known to man. Plotner magically captures what it feels like to be stranded on Koholint IslandFrom hearing the main theme come to life on the Shores, to the vigorous terrain of Mt. Tamaranch, the musician truly recreates a time when you’re sitting on your couch looking for seashells.

What did you think about this arrangement? What Zelda-related memory comes to mind when you hear these melodies? Let us know down in the comments!

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