Piece-by-piece, bit-by-bit, frame-by-frame, anyone and everybody has analyzed the E3 2019 Announcement Trailer for the Breath of the Wild sequel. It’s really hard to believe that people are still finding so many different things to discuss about it months later. Take yet another trailer analysis that focuses on the events that transpire in the trailer. More specifically, on what exactly happens to Princess Zelda during her and Link’s journey through Ganondorf’s Chamber.

MaskedNintendoBandit theorizes that Princess Zelda may have been consumed by the spirit of Ganondorf during the trek through his chamber. There are scenes in the trailer where MNB notices how Zelda falls into a hole in the ground, appearing to be confronted by Ganondorf’s corpse. He bases his theory off a statement by series producer Eiji Aonuma revealing that Breath of the Wild sequel will be darker than Majora’s Mask.

What do you think of this theory? Is there a possibility that Princess Zelda has been possessed by Ganondorf? Let us know in the comments below.

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