The Minish Cap Guide Gets Updated

Last December, The Minish Cap was re-released on the Nintendo 3DS for ambassadors that were early adapters to the handheld console. With its inevitable Nintendo e-shop release to the public, we have taken it upon ourselves to rebuild The Minish Cap content section here at the site. This includes a complete ground-up rebuild of The Minish Cap Walkthrough. I started re-writing the walkthrough a couple weeks back and presently, the first three chapters are now available online. For now, these chapters include the normal detailed text, tons of screenshots, and cover all the optional side quests up until that point in the game. We are still working to finalize the presentation, getting all the fancy maps and boxes in there, but we’ve officially released the guide to the public. Further walkthrough chapters will be published in the coming weeks.

We constantly are getting asked when we are going to revamp some of the other somewhat outdated walkthroughs here at the site. Rest assured it’s all in our plans. With no new Zelda games in sight for at least much of 2012, we are going to be working hard to bring all of our previous guides up to par and The Minish Cap guide is just the first step in the process. As far as video guides, we have a few projects planned, but we aren’t prepared to make any announcements on this at this point in time. Stay tuned!

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