Tag: Xinnamin

This latest article revival by Zelda Dungeon’s own Xinnamin (pronounced cinnamin) is a look at, well, the three entities mentioned in the title! Xinnamin looks at many facts and in game evidence as well as the nature of the game itself. Many interesting points are brought in this article which spends most of it’s length speculating about the Happy Mask Salesman. Xinnamin has a good grasp on the game and the story line and it definitely shows in this great…

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, had one of the most curious plots in the series, and it was supplemented by an assortment of some of the most interesting and well developed characters Zelda has ever seen. Yet among this entourage of developed characters there were a few whose appeal stemmed from a purposeful mysteriousness, such as the Happy Mask Salesman and Majora’s Mask itself, both of whom have extensive mysteries surrounding their origins. In addition, these two, though separate…