Tag: Skull

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on Deviantart artist, Turtle-Arts‘s fanart, ‘A Simple Gift’. This fanart features Link and the Skull Kid from Ocarina of Time. Link is offering the Skull Kid the skull mask he borrowed from the Happy Mask Shop. The Skull Kid is interested in the mask since he thinks it will make him look tougher. After Link gives it to him, he only pays 10 rupees for it when in actuality it’s price is 20. Stingy kid……

Part 6 of Mas’ Zelda Collection is now online and this one covers a somewhat common Legend of Zelda T-Shirt. The shirt shows Link holding up the completed Triforce piece that he collected during his quest in the original Legend of Zelda. It is the final boss battle room where the background is shaped like a Skull, and Link will take on Ganon. I believe the shirt was available at Hot Topic T-shirt stores for a period of time, but…

Got a new discussion video for you guys! This time I’m going to talk about the two darkest games in the series, Majora’s Mask and Twilight Princess, and explain why I think Twilight Princess is a darker game than Majora’s Mask. I know a few of you are a little sick of hearing me complain about Twilight Princess. I’m not complaining here. While I do think how dark the game was ended up being one of it’s weaker aspects, that’s…