Tag: Short

The Zelda fanbase is constantly talking about it; the creation of a movie or series based on our favorite franchise is a hotly debated topic. Over twenty-five years of popularity, and the closest thing we’ve had was an infamously terrible cartoon (although this isn’t everyone’s opinion). Recently, game director Eiji Aonuma made a statement saying that a Zelda movie would require a 3DS to view, if one were ever made, and it seems we’re getting pretty close. Nintendo announced today…

The final dungeons of the first three Zelda games were long, challenging, epic tests of the player’s skill and wit. So why is it that so often in modern Zelda, the final dungeons are abridged in some way? While maybe the trend started with Link’s Awakening, it’s pretty hard to call the Wind Fish’s Egg a dungeon, so let’s say it started with Ocarina of Time’s final dungeon: Ganon’s Castle. Ganon’s Castle wasn’t a bad dungeon, but it was by…