Tag: Seasons

It has been years on end since we have seen any sort of changing seasons in a Zelda title. Oracle of Seasons had clever use of the seasons in its puzzles and exploration, but after that, seasons were dropped as a mechanic, in favour of the often re-used idea of time travel. But what about Zelda Wii U? There is a good chance time travel could be used again in some aspect, but could seasons be re-introduced to this new,…

Welcome to the eleventh installment of Piece of Heart, where we look at The Legend of Zelda series through the eyes of a literary professor and examine how its literary elements enhance the gaming experience. This week’s lesson is titled “…So Does Season.” Similar to geography, the season during which a game takes place has a profound affect on the overall theme of the adventure. For instance, Winter usually denotes death and hopelessness, so the despair surrounding Queen Rutela’s death…

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. It feels like a millennium has passed since having last touched the two games, since having last felt the majesty of playing what is now often forgotten by some of my peers.  Yet, these two games have endured for more than a decade in my mind and heart. Regardless of what I may think of either game in itself there has always been a lingering feeling in the back of my mind, that of something not quite complete.

Despite how ridiculous that may have seemed, it was nevertheless a prevailing thought whenever either game was mentioned.  To the left is an image released by Did You Know Gaming illustrating how originally, Nintendo intended to make an additional game Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Courage in order to complete a “Triforce Trilogy” with the prior titles.

A significant number of games offer day/night cycles, and people who play Nintendo games are probably very familiar with the concept. Usually, certain things will only be available at certain times of day, or a number of days have to pass between events in order to complete sidequests. Ocarina of Time certainly made it interesting; shops and houses in towns would be closed at night, the field would harbor new dangers, the overworld at large would offer new opportunities for…

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on “The Oracles of Hyrule” by KazuTaka51 on Deviantart. In the artwork it showcases the three Oracles from the Oracle of Ages and Seasons Zelda games. Each oracle is surrounded by their trademark color and they have small Triforces floating all around them. They each are all standing on a symbol of the Triforce which is glowing their trademark color; Din being red, Nayru being blue, and Farore being green. I will be showing each…

An article was posted on GameInformer talking about the infamous CD-i games and the popular Oracle games. It talks about how the two types of games are similar in that they were both developed by people outside of Nintendo and that they differed by how at the end of their development they both became known for different reasons. The writer first talks about the Oracle games and that Capcom was able to develop the games wonderfully. Most gamers willingly acknowledge…

Hey guys! So this video discussion is all about Ganon. Specifically problems with him in some of the games. As I mention in the video, this is not a video of complaints about Ganon himself, but rather how he is treated and implemented in the stories and events of the games themselves. This video (and this will likely become common for discussion videos) is shorter than is typical for me and hopefully a little extra fun. I think this is…

Hey there guys! Got a new discussion video for you! In order to keep something of a Zelda Wii theme this week, I’ve made a Zelda Wii video to go along with the Zelda Wii themed mailbag earlier this week. This video is a list of things I’d like to see in Zelda Wii, and in some cases I discuss the merits and the likelihood of seeing these come true. It’s quite packed, actually. Some of the subjects I cover…