Tag: retrospectaive

The folks over at airship over water have put together a lengthy retro review of the Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask. The author goes into some great detail discussing many of the things that have made Majora’s Mask garner quite a cult following over the years. In fact, many Zelda fans today consider it to be by far the greatest of the Zelda games, mostly because of its rather deep, metaphorical storyline. Listed below are some of the pros and…

Every once in awhile, you see some sort of Zelda review or Zelda article that just makes you shake your head, thinking, what the heck is the author even talking about? Well, today we have another one of these, but this time in the form of a retrospective review of the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Rob Lefebvre of Anchor Web created the piece and a segment of his review can be seen below. But as Link traverses the…