Tag: reference

In the recent season finale episode of the sitcom How I Met Your Mother there was a quick but noticeable reference to the original Legend of Zelda displayed. The scene is about ten minutes into the episode and only shows a very brief few seconds of gameplay. Within the scene the character Marshall was drunk and in need of a cab ride home so he uses an ATM machine to get some quick cash. Only on the screen he hallucinates…

Swordigo is a game made for the iPad, iPhone, and Mac systems. It tells the story of a hero who is chosen to save his village from what is called “evil corruptors.” While playing the game one can notice subtle similarities in certain aspects of the game that resemble things from the Zelda series. First off: the the main character wears a green shirt and the currency used in the game resembles rupees, the currency used in Hyrule. Another reference…

Being that The Legend of Zelda is one of the longest running and widely known series among hardcore gamers and casual players alike, it has become something of an icon in the video game industry. Almost anyone who has ever owned a Nintendo console has played or at least seen a Zelda game in the past. Over the twenty five year long history Zelda has become a household name in video gaming. It is no coincidence that many characters, themes,…

Check out this screen shot from Epic Mickey! It shows a clear reference to the first game in the Zelda series. It’s an old man helping the game’s hero! It’s no surprise to see this reference, though. Warren Spector, the game’s director, is a huge Zelda fan, and in a recent interview he made a statement the The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past is his favorite game of all time. The game, set in a forgotten and…