Tag: Mansion

Ahh, Snowpeak Ruins… Time to review this unusual dungeon. Last week I wrote that I felt Arbiter’s Grounds’ level design was very unoriginal, mostly pooling from previous dungeons’ ideas and using its elements in uncreative ways (for better or for worse). Snowpeak Ruins is the exact opposite. It is completely nontraditional, both thematically and design-wise, and that makes it one of the most interesting dungeons in Twilight Princess. Unfortunately it also marks the last dungeon in the game that I…

This is a bit of an odder video. It’s not a serious discussion topic, but something I kinda wanted to get off my chest. I think that Skyward Sword had a number of missed opportunities. There were a lot of things it seems like Nintendo missed out on doing that would have fit the game really well and been really awesome, so this video is about two of my ideas. You can view it here or check out the embed…