Tag: lokomo

Hello readers! Brian here with the fifteenth edition of “The Best and Worst of Zelda.” This week we’ll be continuing where we left off last week! Don’t forget to comment your ideas for future topics below! Musical instruments have become not only helpful items, but thematic staples in the plot of a Zeelda game. This, I believe, begins in Ocarina of Time and carries through many future games in the series. As we had made it through every game up…

The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks is starting to get shipped out to many game magazines and reviewers across the globe and thus, many gameplay videos and spoilers should be becoming available over the next several days. The guys at GoNintendo recently updated a ten minute clip of Spirit Tracks on their Youtube account and its embedded below. The portion of the game on display is near the beginning of the game within the Forest Sanctuary. It shows off some…