Tag: loftwing

There’s nothing like a comic to put things into perspective. If you’ve ever wondered what would actually happen when Link doesn’t use his sailcloth, then today’s your lucky day. ZoDy from deviantART has made a Skyward Sword comic that proves Zelda logic wrong yet again. Would Link just lose a heart or two with all of his bones intact when he hits the ground? Of course not. Make the jump to take a look at the comic below.

Did you know that the Loftwings found within Skyward Sword are actually based off a real bird? These birds are actually referred to as Shoebills and they live in tropical areas of East Africa. These massive birds have a gray colored body, with a hint of blue in there. You can click the image to the left to view a larger version of a blueish shoebill. You might be asking, what about Link’s Crimson Shoebill? Where did they come up…

Skyward Sword has introduced a brilliant set of new adventurous capabilities we have never seen before in the Zelda series. Not only did it completely change the gameplay of Zelda – bringing upon the Wii Motion+ – in ways never before imaginable, but it also presented to us many new concepts never before seen in the Zelda series. Goddess cubes, flying, the stamina meter, shield meter, and many other new additions are just a few. Our featured thread for today…

The newest form of transportation presented to us in Skyward Sword deviated from the methodical engagement of travel presented to us in previous games – typically in the form of a horse. This is in league with the way Spirit Tracks threw at us a completely different form of transportation, but taken to a completely new and exciting level. The prospect of exploring the sky aback a giant bird was original and exciting to fans everywhere. In the end, we…