Tag: Legend

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on Deviantart artist HyLian-Of-Ooo‘s fanart, “Lost in the Twilight”. In this fanart it shows Link as Wolf Link and Midna as they are traversing through the Twilight that is covering Hyrule. The colors the artist uses in this piece fit the atmosphere that is shown in these areas perfectly. Link and Midna are greatly dwarfed by the trees surrounding them. There is a bright light seen in the distance and they both are looking in…

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on Deviantart artist, HylianDragonCatty‘s Majora’s Mask fanart, “Zelda- private concert”. This fanart features two characters from the game, Darmani, the great Goron warrior, and the Goron Elder’s son. Darmani is playing his drums for the young goron probably in an attempt to put him to sleep with the Goron’s Lullaby. The perspective shown in this piece focuses greatly on the two gorons and the coloring helps emphasize the two characters. The lighting in this piece…

DRest806 has posted up a video review about his custom Legend of Zelda board game that he created. In the review he explains how it is played and demonstrates his instructions by using the game pieces. During the video he also explains how he made some of the board game pieces such as the Link, Wall Master, and bridge pieces. He also mentions in the video’s description that he will be posting up how to make this game at BoardGameGeek.com’s…

Dan Restaino aka DRest806 has created his own Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past board game. He started working on it during last summer and he spent about $400 or more and put about 4 months of work into the project. He based the gameplay of an old board game called ‘Key to the Kingdom’. Here’s how he explained how he made it: I designed the board in photoshop, copying and pasting carefully all the SNES sprites from…

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on “The Oracles of Hyrule” by KazuTaka51 on Deviantart. In the artwork it showcases the three Oracles from the Oracle of Ages and Seasons Zelda games. Each oracle is surrounded by their trademark color and they have small Triforces floating all around them. They each are all standing on a symbol of the Triforce which is glowing their trademark color; Din being red, Nayru being blue, and Farore being green. I will be showing each…

Youtube users, kylelandry and tedescocreations aka Frank Tedesco, have uploaded a video showing them using one piano to play four songs that are from the Legend of Zelda series. Those songs include the Main Theme Song, the Song of Storms, the Gerudo Valley, and the Lost Woods. They added a bit of improvisation throughout the performance which added to the overall beauty of the music and made it sound really awesome. To listen to the medley for yourself, please take…

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is about deviantart artist know-kname‘s fanart, “one hundred steps east”. In this artwork it showcases one of the giants from Majora’s Mask as he’s walking towards the Hero of Time, Link. The golden colors that are used in the picture well represent the area that the giant is from, Ikana Canyon. The way that the difference in the size of the giant and the young hero Link is represented well. It lets the viewer know exactly…

One of the most unlikely and most unheard of mash-ups has been made and it is that of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Ocarina of Time. In this mash-up it showcases two of the characters from My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Both of those characters play the roles of Navi and Link and it has Applejack trying to ignore and eventually run away from Pinkie Pie in order to get away from her Navi-like speech. Please…

There are a lot of awesome things that people have made and done to show their love for the Legend of Zelda series. It can be an awesome piece of fanart or fanfiction or it can be even something that someone has crafted to resemble an item, person, or place that has appeared in the series. AngrySaki is one of those people. He has doors that lead to his home theater and one those doors are carved pictures of Link…

An article by Mike Stout has been posted over at Gamasutra and it talks about interesting things he found during his recent playthrough of the game. Those interesting things are those that the developers of the original Legend of Zelda did during their designing of the levels found in the game. Here’s one of those things he found: If Miyamoto’s intent was truly to give the players the feelings associated with exploration, then this design is a masterful execution of…