Tag: Have

Despite my general opposition to remakes, recent news has even me a bit excited about The Wind Waker HD. Faster sailing, a reworked Triforce quest, increased Pictobox capacity, but mostly a new Hero Mode like that of Skyward Sword’s… Finally this game is confirmed to have some new additions that make me excited about it. That said, there are also a number of things missing from it. The Wind Waker is my least-favorite Zelda game and if I were to…

Hello guys, got a video discussion for you! It’s basically about Twilight Princess’ Ganondorf, how he was introduced to the plot, and more importantly what I think they should have done differently. More specifically, I go over this while keeping things roughly the same: Zant being the badguy and then bringing out Ganondorf at the end. So it’s not as much of me complaining about Twilight Princess than usual… I think. This one is something of a follow-up to the…