Tag: Hacking

If your knowledge of Ocarina of Time goes beyond what is shown inside of the game itself you likely know that Ocarina of Time has a large number of glitches, exploits and other unintended tricks in it. With the advent and subsequent mastery of emulation technology people have found ways to force certain glitches onto the game. With the start of November the YouTube personality PeanutButterGamer enters his fourth Zelda Month in which he makes all kinds of videos dedicated…

During the buildup to the release of Twilight Princess, many Zelda fans were greatly anticipating the title and much of that anticipation was due to the more mature visual look. However, with nearly four years since the release of Twilight Princess, there now seems to be more of a mixed opinion towards the graphics of the game. Many people think it was actually a step back from the Wind Waker, while others still think it is by far the best…