Tag: Gulley

In 1986, The Legend of Zelda introduced some of the most recognizable video game superstars of all time, and since then, each new Zelda game has added to the series’s dramatis personae, introducing new characters and re-imagining familiar ones. A Link Between Worlds, the most recent continuation of the Zelda legend, is no different. It brings together a diverse cast of fun and likable characters, doing its best to make each one – no matter how minor – stand out. To celebrate…

Well, my exams are over now, so I’m free to continue writing! Before you read the rest of this editorial, I must warn you, it is going to be similar to Axle the Beast’s recent editorial, but I assure you, I was planning this for a week or two before his editorial was published, and because I couldn’t write it until now, well… yeah. Though, this editorial will be different because I’ll be talking about some other things that I’ve…