Tag: Great Bay Temple

Halloween’s just around the corner, so I thought it was a good time to tackle a certain lovely little article topic: The top examples of “nightmare fuel” in Zelda. While this term can have a broader meaning that applies to anything scary or nightmare-inducing, I’m going with a specific version. In short, I’m covering things that were never meant to be scary, or scary to this degree, but certainly become highly disturbing when you think about them. I suppose you…

Ohhhh man, this one was a doozy for me. It always has been. As I said last time, the Snowhead Temple was the first dungeon in Majora’s Mask that I had to use a walkthrough to get through, but Great Bay Temple was even worse. In this dungeon, I very quickly ran into a wall and had to switch to navigating via walkthrough for pretty much the entire dungeon. That had never happened to me before, and it definitely damaged…

Do you think that the technology in the Zelda series is advancing too quickly? Ever since the first trailer of Spirit Tracks hit just over a year ago, it has seemingly become a hot topic in the Zelda community. In the past two Zelda titles we’ve seen both steamboats and locomotives, neither of which fit the criteria for what classic medieval Zelda is all about. Yusei over at Zelda Temple his recently written an article concerning the topic where she…

A little while back Austin over at Nintendo Everything posted what he thinks are the best 3d Zelda temples in the entire series. He created the Top 3 list in a quick video format and you can view the embedded video by clicking read more. His list of top 3 dungeons came in as the follows… 3. Great Bay Temple (Majora’s Mask) 2. Lakebed Temple (Twilight Princess) 1. Stone Tower Temple (Majora’s Mask) I personally am a bit shocked that…

This weeks Zelda Reorchestrated update came a couple days late, but better late than never. This weeks orchestrations is of the New Wave Bossa Nova from Majora’s Mask. It is an Ocarina Song that Link learns after collecting the seven zora eggs from the Gerudo Pirates. It’s a short little clip that runs just under 30 seconds. Link must play the song in order to enter into the Great Bay Temple. Check out Zelda Wiki for more information about the…