Tag: Goron

There are many species in the Zelda series which have unknown methods of reproduction. Three of these species have picked at my curiosity in particular, the Gorons, the Deku race, and the Kokiri. There are many theories as to how Gorons reproduce, and none for the Deku race or the Kokiri. I shall go through these theories, suggest my own, and at the end, you can tell me the races in the Zelda series which you have always wondered about,…

It has always been an entertaining distraction to think about what video games would be like in real life. With all the absurdities and exaggerations that our games bring to us daily, the thought those applied to our daily reality is interesting to say the least. In another of their famously over-the-top videos, comedy group Smosh has brought us their own take on this concept as it pertains to the Zelda series. Click the jump to see all their goofy…

I find my wallet is always weak when it comes to Zelda themed t-shirts. Every time a new ShirtPunch or BustedTees shirt themed around Zelda pops up on the internet, I cannot help but contemplate if it is in my budget to purchase and add it to my growing collection. This is another such shirt from GamerPrint. Take the jump to get a closer look.

I don’t remember a lot about the Wind Waker and that’s probably because I’ve only played it once. That being said, there was at least one special area I shan’t ever forgot on my first playthrough of this stunning gem. This area is the reason why I want to give the Wind Waker another shot and in doing so learn a lot about the different tribes and regions which remained after the flooding of Hyrule which occurred in the past…

Moving on from Woodfall Temple, it’s time to review the Snowhead Temple. This is the game’s second dungeon, located in the northern mountain region. While I think Woodfall Temple is the most straightforward dungeon in Majora’s Mask, I think Snowhead Temple is the most forgettable, though not necessarily due to any real faults. Going into the dungeon, the player probably doesn’t know what to expect; I know I didn’t. The last full dungeon to have an ice theme throughout it…

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on Deviantart artist, HylianDragonCatty‘s Majora’s Mask fanart, “Zelda- private concert”. This fanart features two characters from the game, Darmani, the great Goron warrior, and the Goron Elder’s son. Darmani is playing his drums for the young goron probably in an attempt to put him to sleep with the Goron’s Lullaby. The perspective shown in this piece focuses greatly on the two gorons and the coloring helps emphasize the two characters. The lighting in this piece…

Zelda Themed Cookies

November 19 2011 by Christina

What better way to celebrate Skyward Sword’s release than to bake some Zelda themed cookies! Over at Zelda Universe, forum user, kelster165 has posted pictures of the cookies her and a friend made in the shapes of classic Zelda characters and symbols. These include Link, Deku Link, Wolf Link, Epona, Navi, a goron, the Master Sword, and the Triforce. These cookies look delicious and I must say they are pretty well done. Even without the captions on the pictures I…

The Masks of Link

November 05 2010 by Legacy Staff

One of the key differences that sets Majora’s Mask apart from other Zelda games is the vast number of masks that can be acquired. Every mask in the game has its purpose, but most of them do not hide Link’s true form; other characters can still tell that it’s Link behind the mask. However, four in particular are unique, both in terms of use and relevance to the story: the Deku Mask, the Goron Mask, the Zora Mask, and the…

NOTE: This article is a Biological view towards fictional animals in the Zelda series. That means I don’t use magic and the goddesses as possible explanations for behaviors or adaptations. A basic knowledge of biology is needed to understand some terms in this article. Gorons can often be found in the Death Mountain region ever since Ocarina of Time. In the Zelda world the Gorons are strong fighters and good miners, but in the world of biology they would be…