Tag: go

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on Deviantart artist, zorn981’s Legend of Zelda fanart, ‘It’s Dangerous to Go Alone‘. This fanart depicts the iconic scene of when Link encounters the old man in the cave shortly after the game begins. The old man, seeing that Link is without a proper weapon, gives him the Wooden Sword, or in this case, due to the artist’s choice, it’s the Master Sword. The colors and expressions that are used in this piece really help…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is due for a November 20th, 2011 release date here in the United States [release dates elsewhere being Nov 23 and Nov 18]. From an experienced Zelda player’s standpoint, it is shaping up to be the next Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past in form and stature. It is known to have a full-fledged upgrade system, massive overworlds which appear to have the capability to stage out-of-dungeon boss fights, and characters…