Tag: Cat

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a game with some truly revolutionizing techniques that helped shape the rest of the series. It also enhanced many of the techniques from the older games and built upon their themes and stories. But was it a truly amazing game, or was it just an average game that people have over-glorified? Well, we think that it was an amazing game, even though it could be very much improved with today’s…

I don’t see [Majora’s Mask] as underrated or even much of a “black sheep” as a lot of people think. I see it as an experiment in story telling that worked wonderfully. ~ Xinnamin Majora’s Mask is a Nintendo 64 game that has long lived in the shadow of its predecessor. Majora’s Mask never had a chance to step into the limelight – Ocarina of Time always captured gamers’ interests more. But recently things have taken a turn in favor of…