Tag: Ballad of the Wind Fish

Dreams are typically joyful escapes from reality, journeys into worlds with limitless potential and lifted restrictions. Most people would jump at the chance to live in a dream, but that apparent freedom we as humans find in our dips into the surreal turn to enchaining and stagnant nightmares when there’s no way out. When stuck in one place without the possibility of growth nor fulfillment, one would likely go insane and just give up. But Marin isn’t one to conform….

Welcome to our second installment of Tadtone Tuesday! This week we will be lending our ears to the ever-so nostalgic “Ballad of the Wind Fish” from Link’s Awakening. For anyone who missed out on last week’s introduction to the series, we will continue to analyze, feature, and openly discuss our weekly Tadtone. Today, the spotlight goes to the one and only Wind Fish! Take the jump for more on this week’s Tadtone!

Many Legend of Zelda covers and arrangements are featured here on Zelda Dungeon, and LindsayAnne Pepper is a new discovery. Along with her beautiful Zelda orchestrations, she also arranges other video game instrumentations and original compositions. Hit the jump to hear more!

The Legend of Zelda series, like many of the popular NES games of the 80’s, has expanded into newer territory and evolved with its gameplay, mechanics, and rich mythology. One of the most notable aspects of the series that has continued to change and evolve is its music. What began as an ordinary soundtrack that played along with the game just as any other at the time gained a high level of popularity as the series progressed. As later games…

Good afternoon! It’s Monday, which means it is time for this week’s edition of Flute Boy’s Meadow, the weekly music feature where I dissect our favorite Zelda tunes to see what makes them special! This week as we look forward to the beginning of a new year, I am turning the clock back and looking at an old and beloved classic among Zelda fans: “Ballad of the Wind Fish” from Link’s Awakening! This song is unbelievably catchy and pretty complex,…

I’m not sure if it’s just the NES nostalgia, but I absolutely love 8-Bit remixes. Often times I’ll search YouTube for 8-Bit remixes of some of my favorite songs, new and old. When it comes to the Legend of Zelda series I have listened to my fair share of 8-Bit remixes as well… but never from a GameBoy title. Oddly enough, 8-Bit is actually a step up from the 4-Bit sounds that came from the Nintendo portable. The folks from…