Michael Workman


Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Favorite Zelda: Majora's Mask
Date Joined: July 2020

My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops

Hello all! My name is Michael Workman! I joined the writing team of Zelda Dungeon in July of 2020, right in the middle of the collapse of modern society as we know it! I was born and raised in the molten core of the Earth: Phoenix, Arizona. Anyone who asks me how I handle the heat will get the obligatory ” at least it’s a dry heat” response.

My absolute favorite Zelda would have to be Majora’s Mask, followed closely by Twilight Princess. I have always been a fan of the slightly darker entries and the unconventional ways that Majoras Mask made you tackle time-based puzzles.

When I’m not heavily invested in Zelda, you can find me playing Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, or blabbering on about my love of the TV show Community (seriously watch it, it’s on Netflix now)

I hope you guys enjoy my content!

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