Link is a truly extraordinary man. Despite often looking like a stringbean, he’s proven time and time again that he has the strength and endurance of a well-trained athlete. BuzzFeedBlue’s Kelsey Darragh and Ned Fulmer took it upon themselves to find out just what it takes to develop Link’s adventuring skills. Donning their best Link hoodies, the pair tackles horseback riding, hang gliding, and rock climbing. This humorous video is peppered with Zelda references, so check it out!

Seeing Darragh and Fulmer struggle with some of these activities almost has me feeling bad about pushing Link so hard when I play. It also has me wanting to go out and try some of these. Like Kelsey, I haven’t gone horseback riding since my Girl Scout days and I’ve never gone hang gliding. I’m a big fan of rock climbing, but I definitely don’t do it enough so add archery to this list and I’ve got my summer bucket list figured out.

Buzzfeed doesn’t have much Zelda specific content, but for more you can watch BuzzFeedVideo’s “Adults Play Video Games That Scared Them As Kids” and “Hottest Video Game Men From Your Childhood” which feature the series. Also check out this BuzzFeed article from a writer who learned how to cope with her anxiety through playing Majora’s Mask.

What did you think of this video? Would you take the challenge and train like Link? Are there any other adventuring skills you think they should’ve tried out? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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