Ocarina Time’s inspiration

Hello Zelda Dungeoners! This week’s Ocarina Time is for… Well, it is going to be late. But I have an explanation! Jump on in to see why.

For this week’s Ocarina Time, I had an awesome collaboration video planned with a friend of mine who had never played the ocarina before in his life, teaching him how to play the song during the video, cracking jokes all the while, having a bunch of fun teaching a generally easy Zelda tune. We filmed the video and… the audio got corrupted. Terribly. So terribly that instead of hearing us play ocarinas, it sounds more like us playing really bad trumpets. Trumpets which sound more like blood curdling screams than anything. But! Have no fear; we will be rerecording the video within a day or two, and this week’s Ocarina Time will be up soon. In the meantime, I want to briefly explain my history with the ocarina, Zelda, and music in general.

I only first started playing the ocarina about eight months ago in September 2012. I had randomly received a $25 gift card to Amazon from my aunt, who would send me such gifts every now and then while I was living in the dorms at my university, and did not know what to buy. After searching through Amazon for a good hour or so, I came across a fairly cheap plastic ocarina package from STL Ocarina for $40, which was well within my price range. Having loved the Legend of Zelda series for most of my life and having been working for Zelda Dungeon for a few months, I jumped at the opportunity to obtain and learn how to play an ocarina.

I mainly taught myself how to play the ocarina. After understanding what the different notes were, the ocarina being tuned to C, transposing Zelda songs was easy, especially with my background in reading sheet music and playing piano. After a month of practice, I proposed the idea for Ocarina Time to Mases. A week or so later, the first Ocarina Time video featuring the “Song of Time” from Ocarina of Time made its debut. Since, I’ve tried to cover songs from all over the Zelda universe, taking advice from commenters for each tutorial. I’ve purchased a second ocarina, and have been learning more and more about video editing all the while. Despite the couple month break I had to take for school, it has been a wonderful experience which I hope to keep going as long as I can.

Even though the audio was a bit bad, here is what was initially this week’s Ocarina Time on Austin’s YouTube channel. We will be rerecording, but there are some hilarious moments during the initial video regardless. Be advised, though: turn your speakers down. You have been warned.

Goodness that is terrible.

So, this week’s Ocarina Time is for “Zelda’s Lullaby,” and next week’s will be for the “Ballad of the Windfish.” I figure I owed you guys the information for next week’s video since this one will be a day or two late.

Keep a look out for Ocarina Time #16: “Zelda’s Lullaby!”

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