Nintendo Power Zelda Rankings

December Nintendo Power

With it being less than 7 weeks before the release of Spirit Tracks, the guys at Nintendo Power put together their list of greatest Zelda games, as well as various other favorites within the Zelda franchise. This is all available in the December 2009 issue of Nintendo Power, which is pictured to the right and now available in stores. They put up a preview page at their website and you can view it by clicking here.

~Best Zelda Game of All Time~
1. Ocarina of Time
2. A Link to the Past
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Twilight Princess
5. Link’s Awakening
6. The Wind Waker
7. Phantom Hourglass
8. Minish Cap
9. Oracle of Seasons
10. Oracle of Ages
11. Majora’s Mask
12. Four Swords Adventure
13. Zelda II

~Nintendo Power Favorites~
Best Hook: Light World / Dark World (A Link to the Past)
Best Item: Double Clawshot (Twilight Princess)
Best Weapon: Bow
Best Zelda: The Wind Waker
Best Boss: Twilit Dragon: Argorok (Twilight Princess)
Best Overworld: The Minish Cap
Best Story Moment: Beneath the Waves (The Wind Waker)
Best Secret: Second Quest (Legend of Zelda)
Best Tune: Overworld Theme
Best Dungeon: Goron Mines (Twilight Princess)
Best Enemy: Octorok
Best Supporting Character: Midna
Best Ganon: Ocarina of Time

What do you think of their choices? We have an entire Zelda Favorites section over at our Zelda Forums where you can voice your opinion on what all your favorite parts of the series.

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