new3ds-coverplate-zelda55-package-480x320 Due to the smaller New Nintendo 3DS now being available in America, so too are the interchangeable cover plates that originally had to be imported from Japan. Now they are up for sale for America and Canada on the Nintendo of America store website. Included in the selection is this Triforce emblazoned cover plate.

Make the jump for some more information!

This particular cover is available for $16.99 and one of the great parts about these covers is that they can be changed and swapped with others. They’re only compatible with the New Nintendo 3DS, but there is a variety to choose from if you like more than just Nintendo’s Zelda franchise. With that note, if there are more Zelda themed covers in the future, you don’t have to stick to one cover forever.

What do you guys think? Which of these covers would you consider purchasing? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo Store (Via: Nintendo Everything).