There are many ways to express the art and majestic works of the Zelda franchise. What is always the most intriguing is when that expression of art is handled in a unique way. A form of artistic flavor that nobody else is really doing. We have such Zelda art today as one such person on YouTube shows how precision and patience can be the key to great art.

This absolutely amazing domino collage of

The Wind Waker shown through over 78,000 dominoes comes to us from TheDominoKing. If it wasn’t obvious from their name they use thousands of domino’s for each and every one of their pieces of art. Every artistic setup they do showcases their fandom through the use of domino’s. In this video, they show off some of the main characters and as well as a few main items seen throughout the game.

The Wind Waker

video seen above was created because they were inspired by PeanutButterGamer’s Zelda month. They went with The Wind Waker instead of their personal favorite (Majora’s Mask) because it was their first game they ever played from Zelda. Some of TheDominoKing’s other work includes doing domino art for other game franchises like Fallout, Super Mario, Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog, and even Five Night’s at Freddy’s.

What do you think of this video? Will you be checking anymore of TheDominoKing’s work? Let us know in the comments below!

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