The Legend of Neil

We all remember the epic series about a drunk guy who got transported into The Legend of Zelda right? Of course we do! Neil will be returning later this year as production on season 3, the final season in the series, began last Saturday. This was discovered through a slew of posts and updates on their facebook page, but surprisingly no update about it was made on The Legend of Neil website. In either case, we can look forward to more Legend of Neil later this year. In case you missed the finale of season 2, hit the jump and watch it in all it’s glory. Oh, and included in that I’ll also show off my favorite episode from both seasons so far.

Season 2 Finale:

Legend of Neil, Season 2, Ep. 7—A Date With Destiny

My personal favorite Legend of Neil episode is…

Legend of Neil, Season 2, Ep. 3—The Musical

What can I say, I am sucker for musicals.

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